Aug 19-Sept 27:
AIMSweb Fall Benchmark Window. 1:1 AIMSWEB assessments with advisors at ILP meetings (The district/state considers these mandatory for K-3 in accordance with AK READS)
Kindergarten: Letter Names, Letter Word Sound fluency, Number Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation
First: Oral Reading Fluency, Letter Word Sound Fluency
Second & Third: Oral Reading Fluency, and computer-based Vocab/Comprehension
Aug 15-Sept 6:
K-8 i-Ready Fall Diagnostic Window-For those enrolled in program, take at home.
Sept 16- Oct 31:
Submit AK Kindergarten Development Profiles (Advisors to upload parent responses.)
Sept 3-6:2nd & 3rd grade group administered computer-based FALL AIMSWEB Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary offered. 1:1 ORF administered while kids are onsite. (May schedule individually with advisor between Aug 19-Sept 27.)
Sept 4-13:
Optional K-9th MAP administration done by advisors by request only. No group administration offered (See i-Ready for group options.)
Oct 21-31:
SAT (12th), PSAT NMSQT (10th/11th) and PSAT 8/9 offered by MSBSD for 8th grade and HS students.
Dec 2-20:
AIMSWeb Winter Benchmark Window. 1:1 AIMSWEB assessments with advisors at ILP meetings. (The district/state considers these mandatory for K-3 in accordance with AK READS)
Kindergarten: Letter Names, Letter Word Sound fluency, Number Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation
First: Oral Reading Fluency
Second & Third: Oral Reading Fluency, and computer-based Vocab/Comprehension
Dec 11-13:
2nd & 3rd grade group administered computer-based WINTER AIMSWEB Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary offered. 1:1 ORF administered while kids are onsite. (May also schedule individually with an advisor between Dec 2-20.)
Dec 11-Jan 10:
Optional K-9th MAP administration done by advisors by request only. No group administration offered (See i-Ready for group options.)
Dec 2-19:
K-8 i-Ready Winter Diagnostic Window-For those enrolled in program, take at-home.
April 14-25:
Optional K-9 MAP administration done by advisors by request only.
April 8-11:
5, 8th, 10th Alaska Science Assessment
April 15-18:
TBC 3-9th AK STAR/MAP Growth ELA and Mathematics state assessments
April 22-24:
2nd & 3rd grade group administered computer-based SPRING AIMSWEB Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary offered. 1:1 ORF administered while kids are onsite. (May also schedule individually with an advisor between April 21-May 16.)
Apr 21-May 16:
AIMSWeb Spring Benchmark Window. 1:1 AIMSWEB assessments with advisors at ILP meetings. (The district/state considers these mandatory for K-3 in accordance with AK READS)
K- Letter Names, Letter Word Sound fluency, Number Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation
First: Oral Reading Fluency
Second & Third: Oral Reading Fluency, and computer-based Vocab/Comprehension
April 28-May 16:
K-8 i-Ready Spring Diagnostic Window-For those enrolled in program, take at-home.
AIMSweb Fall Benchmark Window. 1:1 AIMSWEB assessments with advisors at ILP meetings (The district/state considers these mandatory for K-3 in accordance with AK READS)
Kindergarten: Letter Names, Letter Word Sound fluency, Number Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation
First: Oral Reading Fluency, Letter Word Sound Fluency
Second & Third: Oral Reading Fluency, and computer-based Vocab/Comprehension
Aug 15-Sept 6:
K-8 i-Ready Fall Diagnostic Window-For those enrolled in program, take at home.
Sept 16- Oct 31:
Submit AK Kindergarten Development Profiles (Advisors to upload parent responses.)
Sept 3-6:2nd & 3rd grade group administered computer-based FALL AIMSWEB Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary offered. 1:1 ORF administered while kids are onsite. (May schedule individually with advisor between Aug 19-Sept 27.)
Sept 4-13:
Optional K-9th MAP administration done by advisors by request only. No group administration offered (See i-Ready for group options.)
Oct 21-31:
SAT (12th), PSAT NMSQT (10th/11th) and PSAT 8/9 offered by MSBSD for 8th grade and HS students.
Dec 2-20:
AIMSWeb Winter Benchmark Window. 1:1 AIMSWEB assessments with advisors at ILP meetings. (The district/state considers these mandatory for K-3 in accordance with AK READS)
Kindergarten: Letter Names, Letter Word Sound fluency, Number Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation
First: Oral Reading Fluency
Second & Third: Oral Reading Fluency, and computer-based Vocab/Comprehension
Dec 11-13:
2nd & 3rd grade group administered computer-based WINTER AIMSWEB Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary offered. 1:1 ORF administered while kids are onsite. (May also schedule individually with an advisor between Dec 2-20.)
Dec 11-Jan 10:
Optional K-9th MAP administration done by advisors by request only. No group administration offered (See i-Ready for group options.)
Dec 2-19:
K-8 i-Ready Winter Diagnostic Window-For those enrolled in program, take at-home.
April 14-25:
Optional K-9 MAP administration done by advisors by request only.
April 8-11:
5, 8th, 10th Alaska Science Assessment
April 15-18:
TBC 3-9th AK STAR/MAP Growth ELA and Mathematics state assessments
April 22-24:
2nd & 3rd grade group administered computer-based SPRING AIMSWEB Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary offered. 1:1 ORF administered while kids are onsite. (May also schedule individually with an advisor between April 21-May 16.)
Apr 21-May 16:
AIMSWeb Spring Benchmark Window. 1:1 AIMSWEB assessments with advisors at ILP meetings. (The district/state considers these mandatory for K-3 in accordance with AK READS)
K- Letter Names, Letter Word Sound fluency, Number Naming Fluency, Phoneme Segmentation
First: Oral Reading Fluency
Second & Third: Oral Reading Fluency, and computer-based Vocab/Comprehension
April 28-May 16:
K-8 i-Ready Spring Diagnostic Window-For those enrolled in program, take at-home.
District-Wide Assessments and Progress Monitoring
i-Ready- District Recommended
An adaptive computerized diagnostic tool used for K-8th grade students in our district available in Fall, Winter and Spring. Can take at home, and includes personalized computer based instruction for each student based on their diagnostic performance.
Aimsweb Plus
Intended for grades K-3 to benchmark screen literacy in the Fall, Winter and Spring (If a student demonstrates proficiency, only required to take in the Fall.)
MAP Growth- Optional
An adaptive computerized diagnostic tool used for K-8th grade students in our district available in Fall, Winter and Spring. Can take at home, and includes personalized computer based instruction for each student based on their diagnostic performance.
Aimsweb Plus
Intended for grades K-3 to benchmark screen literacy in the Fall, Winter and Spring (If a student demonstrates proficiency, only required to take in the Fall.)
- Kindergarten-1:1 with trained proctor, takes about 10-15 minutes to complete all four assessments
- Phoneme Segmentation
- Letter Naming Fluency
- Letter Word Sound Fluency
- Number Naming Fluency
- 1st Grade- 1:1 with trained proctor, takes about 10-15 minutes to complete two assessments
- Letter Word Sound Fluency
- Oral Reading Fluency
- 2nd and 3rd Grade- 1:1 with trained proctor, takes about 5-10 minutes to complete the assessment
- Oral Reading Fluency
- 2nd - 3rd Computer-based administered in a group setting, takes about 30-60 minutes to complete the two assessments
- Vocabulary
- Reading Comprehension
MAP Growth- Optional
- An adaptive computerized assessment used for K-9th grade students in our district available in Fall, Winter and Spring.
Grades K-1 take both a Reading and a Mathematics test. Questions are read allowed by the computer to students while they wear headphones to use touch screens and/or mouse and keyboard to select answers.
Grades 2-9 take three assessments: Reading, Language Usage and Mathematics. Students are expected to read their test questions and answer with a touch screen and/or mouse and keyboard.
State Testing
MSBSD participates in the AKSTAR/MAP GROWTH dual assessment in Language Arts and Mathematics for grades 3-9 and the AK Science assessment for grade 5, 8, and 10.
AK STAR AK Science Assessments and takes place the month of April.
In compliance with the AK READS ACT, we also offer AIMSWEB screeners for grades K-3 in Fall, Winter, and Spring. Talk with your advisor about how to schedule those.
Head to our Scheduling Page to sign-up for upcoming Assessment opportunities.
AK STAR AK Science Assessments and takes place the month of April.
In compliance with the AK READS ACT, we also offer AIMSWEB screeners for grades K-3 in Fall, Winter, and Spring. Talk with your advisor about how to schedule those.
Head to our Scheduling Page to sign-up for upcoming Assessment opportunities.